Thrive Services ae

We are always ready to help

Getting Started

Want to book with thrive? Let’s do it! Booking your service is quick and easy.
How to Schedule Your Home Service in 5 Easy Steps:
1. Pick Your Service: Choose the service you need, such as AC repair, painting, or maintenance.
2. Personalize Your Service: Select your preferred professional, date, and time. Add any special
instructions you may have.
3. Verify Booking Details: Double-check your address and contact information to make sure the
professional can reach you.
4. Review Your Booking: Take a second look at all the details, including the service, time, and cost.
5. Make Your Payment: Choose your payment method and complete the transaction. Once done, tap
‘Confirm Booking’ to lock in your service appointment.
After completing these steps, you’ll get a confirmation notification and email with all your booking

Help Us Improve at Thrive Services!
At Thrive Services, we want to hear from you, whether it’s good or not-so-good. Your feedback is super
important in making our services better for everyone. Here’s a simple guide on how to share your
thoughts or let us know if something didn’t go quite right:
How to Share Your Thoughts:
1. Right after the Service:
Once we finish a service for you, our team will ask you to rate it and share your thoughts. It’s quick and
2. Talk to Customer Support:
If you like talking to people, you can also give your feedback or make a complaint by reaching out to our
customer support team. They’re here to help!
Why Your Feedback is Important:
• Makes Us Better: Your feedback shows us what’s working and where we can do better.
• Keeps You Happy: What you say directly helps us make sure you’re happy with our service.
• Fixes Issues: If something went wrong, your feedback helps us fix it and make sure it doesn’t
happen again.
Your opinion matters a lot to us at Thrive Services. When you share your thoughts, you’re helping us
make our service awesome for everyone. So, don’t hesitate to tell us what you think. Your ideas and
feedback help us make Thrive Services the best it can be!

Welcome to Thrive Services! When you use our services or website, you’re agreeing to our Terms and
Conditions, along with our Privacy Policy. These documents explain how we work together.
• Content and Changes: Information on our website may change without notice. It’s here to help
you understand our services.
• Cookies and Data Use: We use cookies for specific purposes, potentially storing your info.
• Terms Updates: We can update our terms, so check back now and then.
• Liability and Limitations: We’re not responsible for things beyond our control. No partnerships
or legal agreements with users.
• Intellectual Property: Our website materials belong to us, and you can’t use them without
• Jurisdiction: If there are disputes, the laws of UAE Main Courts apply.
• Booking and Payment: Payments are generally non-refundable, and we might update prices. You
handle taxes, except on our income.
• Rate Changes: We might change rates, and we’ll let you know in advance.
• User Responsibility: Be cautious for your safety and belongings during services.
• Payment Method: We charge through specified methods on our website.
• Booking Cancellation: Cancel bookings at least 24 hours ahead to avoid charges.
• User Age Restriction: Users must be over 18 to book or transact on our website.
• Damage Responsibility: We may penalize service providers for damages, but we’re not
responsible for your belongings during services.
• Terms Enforcement: If any terms don’t work, we’ll limit them to keep the overall terms in force.
• Assignment Rights: We can transfer these terms without asking.
• OFAC Compliance: We don’t offer services to OFAC and sanctioned countries.
• Communication: We’ll communicate through various channels for updates.
• Service Scope: We bring together different home services from licensed third parties.
• Payment and Refund Policy: We accept online payments and process refunds in the original
payment mode.
• Quality Assurance: We regularly check and follow up to ensure service quality.
• Issue Reporting: Report missing/stolen items within 48 hours and damaged items within 24

Your Privacy is Important to Us at Thrive Services!
Welcome to Thrive Services! When you use our website and services, you’re agreeing to our privacy
rules and how we use cookies, as explained in this policy.
Here’s what you need to know:
• Info Collection: We collect data like IP address, site usage, location, and personal details to make
our services better.
• Cookies Use: We use cookies on our website to make things work smoothly and might store
some of your info for specific reasons.
• Updates to Terms: We might change our terms, so it’s a good idea to check them now and then.
• No Blame for Certain Issues: We’re not responsible for things beyond our control or for what
users do on our website.
• Intellectual Property: Everything on our website belongs to us or is licensed to us. Copying it is a
• External Links Disclaimer: We’re not in charge of what’s on other websites we link to.
• Jurisdiction and Law: If there are legal issues, UAE Main Courts laws apply.
• Booking and Payments: Fees for services you book with Thrive Services are usually nonrefundable, and prices might change.
• Credit Card Safety: We don’t keep your credit card details, and we don’t share them with others.
• Sharing Your Info: We only share your info within our company or as required by law.
• International Data Transfer: Your data might go to different countries, but we handle it
according to this policy.
• Data Security: We do our best to keep your data safe, but the internet isn’t foolproof.
• Policy Changes: If we change anything in this policy, we’ll let you know on our website or
through email.
• Your Rights: You have rights about your personal data, and we respect that.
• Marketing Choices: Don’t want marketing emails? Just let us know by email.
• Fixing Your Info: If we have the wrong info about you, just tell us, and we’ll fix it.
Always remember, your privacy is a big deal to us at Thrive Services, and we’re dedicated to keeping it
safe while providing you with great service.

This is Thrive Services’ way of handling payments. It applies when you use their website, or the related
mobile apps. They call the things you pay for “Services.” Let’s break down the important bits:
How to Pay: You can pay in cash or use Visa/Mastercard debit and credit cards. The rules for payments
follow what is mentioned on booking portal.
Paying for Services:
When You Get Charged: Thrive Services only charges you after they’re sure the service happened. You
don’t need to confirm it.
Different Money: The price you see and the currency you pick are the same as what gets charged to
your card. Any extras are shown as “Total to pay.”
Confirmation: After you pay, you get an email or app message confirming it.
Getting Money Back:
If you get charged for something that didn’t happen, Thrive Services gives all your money back. Just tell
them within 24 hours of when the service was supposed to happen. Other refunds go back to your
account or how you paid
Extra Charges:
You can change or cancel a service, but if you do it too close to when it’s supposed to happen, there
might be extra charges. They’ll tell you about these charges.
Canceling or Changing Things:
Too Late Changes: If you change or cancel less than 24 hours before the service, there might be charges.
Not showing Up: If you don’t show up for a service, charges might apply.
Paying Extra Charges:
If there are extra charges, they’ll let you know when you ask to change or cancel. They take the money
when you cancel or when the service is finished.
Remember, if anything’s not right, tell Thrive Services quickly. It helps everything go smoothly!

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